Monday, December 22, 2014

The new beginning, changing myself, new me

I can honestly say that I've never been truly unhappy with how I look...until recently.  I'm not sure why, but in the past months I've felt I needed to make a change with my appearance and my body. I had no idea what I wanted my major to be, no boyfriend, not a lot of friends at school.  I look back on that year and can't believe how careless I was.  At the end of the year my weight was up to 203.  I couldn't believe it! Most of middle and high school I was the tiny girl so this number was hard for me to see.  I was unhappy but I guess not unhappy enough to actually make a change in my life. On to where I am now.  The last few weeks I have found myself really wanting a change in my life.  I don't know why, but this time truly does feel different.  Not only am I wanting to eat better again, but I want to lose weight too, I am ashamed of how I let my weight get to me. But I know things are going to look up, I graduated college and now I am newly engaged to the love of my life and we are making changes in our lives and going to try and be healthier beginning next year. Lets hope the new year will be a great year!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Hot Air Balloons

Hot Air Balloons from August 24th 2013 (Hot August Night) at Timber Linn Park in Albany,Oregon


Sunset that was on May 28th 2014 in Albany,Oregon

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Photo Essay: Reflection

We must have experiences about looking at the mirror. Actually, the mirror is an indispensable article of our daily use. We use it every single day, such as the time when we are in the bathroom or we are preparing to go out and so on. There is an interesting question. What can we really see in the mirror? Reflection is the most important function of the mirror. We can know ourselves from the mirror. Obviously, we know how we look on our appearance. Besides, we also can realize what others’ views of us and how we think of ourselves. To sum up, mirrors reflect not only our external appearance but also our internal self.

First of all, we see our appearance as it is reflected from the mirror. We always look at the mirror to tidy our looks. Leaving a nice impression to people is one thing we hope. We use the mirror to make sure our dressing, make-up and brisk energy. It shows our politeness. And it also brings happiness and carefree minds for us. We can simply check our external appearance by looking at the mirror.
On the other hand, we use the mirror to do self-analysis. We are playing a lot of roles in our life. We should understand who we really are by self-examination. When we view the inverted image and ask about ourselves, we may see our soul and heart deep inside in addition to the appearance.

Besides, people’s opinions of us are like mirrors to us. We can see what kind of images we have in other people’s eyes. For example, we may hear someone judge or admire us. And we can comprehend and improve ourselves this way. We can learn from other people’s experiences and take them as our mirrors.

Mirrors show not only our superficial side but also our inner world. No matter the outside or inside areas, we can think about who we are and how to create good impressions to others. From the reflection of the mirror, we arrange and adjust ourselves in each internal and external way. Mirrors have both the metaphor and the literal meaning.

JoJo Westfall reflects by looks and also have music at heart. She really enjoyed indulging in her own face for a day, getting to know her again. 
So the thing that I’ve been pondering is …. How could I tell those other women that they were beautiful and that they should be kind, accepting themselves, celebrating their uniqueness and delighting in who they are?

Word of advice: If you really can’t bare to look at your face and spend so much energy verbally attacking yourself, what is that doing to you?

Monday, June 2, 2014


(Student) Alyson Stewart a Music major at LBCC enjoys playing the piano on her spare time 

Alyson sings a song while playing the piano

Alyson was deep into what she was playing and singing

Figuring out the keys on the piano

"The feeling of what music is"

Random photos

The tracks of the path

Ducks at the park

Ducks having a break from swimming at the park

The ducks crossing the parking lot at the park

A mother duck and her babies at LBCC

Mother duck teacher the babies to swim at LBCC fountain