Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bob Martin Photographer

Bob Martin is an English photojournalist who specializes on sports. Really anything that deals with sports has been covered by Bob. The Olympics? Yep. Rugby? Naturally. Horse racing... on ice? Of course! 
Bobs photography is widely known for its action. Never is there a lack of cinematic feel to his work, which is probably why he has won over 50 multi-national awards. That is a major achievement for anyone, let alone a photographer.
Netting these awards has also given Bob the chance to travel all around the world. That's right, not only has the man photographed many of the worlds sports, but he has also visited its many countries/provinces.
   Now of days Bob still regularly takes photos of sports and even gets his worked regularly published in Time, Sports Illustrated, and even The New York Times. If you would like to see more of Bobs amazing photograph, check out his personal website
On his website in his about page he perfectly expresses why he enjoys photography so much and what it really allows him to do. I would like to share that quote with you. "Living in Alaska has taught me to love light and the way it places across the face of this ever-changing planet. My goal is to keep my heart open, my mind quiet and my eyes alert for images that hold singular moments of beauty. Photography is a way to live my passion and intention. I hope that my images reflect this journey." When asked, in an interview for, what his proudest moment in photography was, he answered “I covered the Paralympics in Athens in depth and one of my pictures won the award,” explains Martin. “It was moving to see those guys, with all their physical conditions, out there competing. Emotionally, it was hard – normally I have a very thick skin with these types of things, but that was the first time something like that got to me. It puts life into perspective.”
According to, Bob Martin has been a photographer for more than 30 years covering almost every major sporting event. He has photographed the last 13 winter and summer Olympics, and in the 2012 games he was appointed the overall photo chief of the games.
Also according to, Bob Martin is the only Sports Illustrated photographer that is based outside the USA.  He currently lives in England, where he has won the British Sports Photographer of the Year Award 3 times now.

Bob Martin has been the recipient of  57 National and International awards. According to his website 23 of those awards were won in 2005 alone and within in those 23 was the World Press Photo Sports Picture of the year. He has also had photos published in various publications such as Time, Newsweek,  The New York Times, Life Magazine and National Geographic.

Friday, April 25, 2014


Tim Black

Tim Black an instructor at LBCC-Non-judgmental, friendly, and quick to laugh. With his flamboyant style and infectious tones, Black can often find himself the center of attention.As well as being a Communication educator, Black acts as advisor to the Gay Straight Alliance. The GSA is for the students, staff, faculty and alumni of Linn-Benton Community College who are members or allies of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex, queer and questioning community. Black quickly came to embrace there pursuit for equality and has become one of the LBCC’s most ardent voices in the propagation of the communities rights.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

LBCC Blood drive

The blood drive at LBCC during the earth day celebration on Tuesday

LBCC Sand Volleyball Class

Students playing sand volleyball on Tuesday while enjoying the sun

Sand Volleyball student taking a dive for the volleyball before it lands to the ground

Students preparing for a sand volleyball game

LBCC Earth Day Celebration

People checking out the booths at the LBCC Earth Day Celebration on 4/22/14 in the courtyard
LBCC  Automotive Program Instructor Bryan Schiedler waiting to demonstrate the Alternative Fuel Technology

LBCC plant sale during the earth day celebration. (Plant a pot of flowers with American Association of Women in Community Colleges)
LBCC graduation booth at the earth day celebration

Thursday, April 17, 2014

LBCC Excellence photo project

Paul Tannahill's excellence photo project. I decided to choose these people, because they fit the quotes just right. They both are Inspirations to the school and the community as well. They strive each day of what they got and they don't stop no matter what life gives them. Both of them are hard workers and have a positive look of their daily lives even when they are smiling or not, they never give up on what they are doing. 

Instructor James Reddan "Putting every effort into what you Believe in." James does put every effort into what he believes in even when it comes to his choir classes, or just his daily life. He has a passion for music all of his life and a passion to teach his students about music in every aspect. One of his biggest accomplishments is getting to do what he loves to do each day, getting to see the students succeed, in class or in a performance. He can’t succeed without the students. In his point of view, his success is their success, their success is his. Being able to share the joy of music and what he love and also have his students be able to share their love of music together with everyone else, on a daily basis.

Student Sydney Woolf "Being happy with your life. Seeing that EXCELLENCE comes from a life hard work and practice at being a good human."  Sydney said that she loves this quote, because you can't go far in life without a positive mindset so important to find and do things that make you happy. 

Student Sydney Woolf "Being happy with your life. Seeing that EXCELLENCE comes from a life hard work and practice at being a good human."Sydney said that she loves this quote, because you can't go far in life without a positive mindset so important to find and do things that make you happy. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

LBCC students and staff bowling at Lakeshore Lanes

A child Johnny Dorman playing a game in the ardcade with his mom Tonya Swift

A child Johnny Dorman bowling with his great grandma Evelyn Hargrave

Everyone bowling at Lakeshore Lanes for the LBCC free bowling provided by the student council on April 8th

Friday, April 4, 2014

Campus Photos

Bus Line outside Takena Hall on April 1st

LBCC The Sirens performing on April 3rd

Jennifer Hagenauer doing homework on April 1st