Monday, December 22, 2014

The new beginning, changing myself, new me

I can honestly say that I've never been truly unhappy with how I look...until recently.  I'm not sure why, but in the past months I've felt I needed to make a change with my appearance and my body. I had no idea what I wanted my major to be, no boyfriend, not a lot of friends at school.  I look back on that year and can't believe how careless I was.  At the end of the year my weight was up to 203.  I couldn't believe it! Most of middle and high school I was the tiny girl so this number was hard for me to see.  I was unhappy but I guess not unhappy enough to actually make a change in my life. On to where I am now.  The last few weeks I have found myself really wanting a change in my life.  I don't know why, but this time truly does feel different.  Not only am I wanting to eat better again, but I want to lose weight too, I am ashamed of how I let my weight get to me. But I know things are going to look up, I graduated college and now I am newly engaged to the love of my life and we are making changes in our lives and going to try and be healthier beginning next year. Lets hope the new year will be a great year!